The Audrey Files

Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I don’t own Code: Lyoko, but I am missing it today because I won’t get back from shopping in time to catch it X.x. Anyway I do own Audrey DeBose and the secretary Alice and Audrey’s Mother, so no stealing.

Summary:Kind of a prequel to Sugar and Spice. Someone new shows up, but she’s pretty quiet…rumors are spread, which interests a certain someone. JxOC OxA YxU

A/N: Ah, the third chapter, the second one sucked, it was far too rushed I’ll slow down and make-up for the last chapter with this one, I hope I can describe enough for everyone to be happy with. Ulrich spoke too much in the last chapter…unless…dammit. Ehehehehe and the world will NEVER know.


Could she keep a secret? Now she was defiantly confused. Of course she could keep a secret; she could keep a secret better than anyone else in the world. She had so many secrets about herself even she didn’t know the truth behind the mask she had put up.

“No,” Audrey said, her words came out against her will, she watched Jeremie sigh. What had possessed her to say no? She could keep a secret! Of course she could, but why did she say no to him? Maybe she just didn’t want to be a part of any of this, she wanted to go back home, back home to the house she grew up in when she was little, the house in which she had both a mom and a dad and not just a mother. Back to when her life didn’t seem so complicated…she wanted to go back to The Hermitage. Her blood ran cold again; she never lived in The Hermitage why did she want to go back there so badly? Maybe she craved the truth, what was she supposed to remember? Why was she supposed to remember it? Her mother had his things from her for so long, she didn’t understand, all she ever wanted was the truth, but no one would give that to her. She glanced back up at the two men in the room with her and she took in their expressions. Jeremie looked serious and Ulrich was standing by the door, his guard was up and Audrey wondered what he was going to fight. There was a loud booming sound as William knocked over the door, Audrey jumped and backed up into the wall. Ulrich lunged at him, knocking William over into the wall opposite of Audrey. What was going on here?

“Hurry,” Jeremie said pleadingly. Audrey heard muffled noises coming from the head set, but that was soon drowned out by Ulrich’s yells of pain. She turned back to Ulrich, noticing he was glowing purple and he seemed to be in great pain. She turned to look at William, their eyes locked, and he dropped Ulrich onto the floor. His breathing was heavy and it came out sharp and ragged. It reminded Audrey of a machine. Her eyes widened and she threw herself to her feet, taking a fighting stance. She had taken some weird form of Karate when she had lived in Japan. She could not remember the name of it, but she remembered everything she had learned, this was her last defense, but the closer he got, the more nervous she became. She let him get close enough to her that she could kick him, and she did. She kicked her leg up high, making contact with the side of William’s head with an awkward side drop kick. He fell to the ground with a loud thunk and he didn’t get up again for a few minutes.

“Ow,” Audrey moaned, massaging her leg, “I think I pulled something.” Slowly, she lowered herself onto the cold metal floor and continued to massage her aching leg, but she wouldn’t be there for much longer. William stood up, heading straight for her, she didn’t even notice.

“Back to the past now,” Jeremie mumbled.

Audrey woke up for the second time that day, to the sun shining in her bedroom and people talking outside. She massaged her temples and proceeded to get ready for school, for the second time that day. She ached all over, but she didn’t know why, maybe it was just the way she slept. Once she was ready, sporting her regular clothing (I put it in the last chapter X.x) and her silver heart necklace (not the choker this time) she left for the courtyard to see Yumi and her other friends.

She approached, and once more they quieted down. She smiled boldly and settled into the tight circle. They were quiet yet again until Yumi started the same dull conversation and Audrey gave her same Answers. Then off to class it was.

Despite the fact Jeremie had gone back in time, erasing what happened so only He, Aelita, Yumi, Ulrich and Odd would know what happened, Audrey still vaguely remembered all that had happened. Her most vivid memory was that of The Heritage, the terribly familiar house Audrey felt like she had been in before. Audrey thought it might be good to go visit the house again when she was on her lunch break, she didn’t need to eat everyday anyway right?

Lunch couldn’t come soon enough for the impatient Audrey DeBose. She tapped her foot on the ugly diamond tiled floor of her science classroom. She wasn’t listening to a word her teacher was saying. She was far too engulfed in thoughts of The Heritage and how much of an impact it had on her life. She knew she had never been there before, but then why did that man want her to remember? What was she supposed to remember about that house? She had so many questions!

Soon enough, the bell rang loudly and the entire class cheered, heading off to lunch. Audrey followed the crowed until the last possible second then she slipped off, praying no one had seen her leave. She walked swiftly, increasing her pace every time she heard the faintest sound. The trees around her became a blur she couldn’t even see, but her eyes weren’t that good to begin with. Still, she wondered how fast she was going. Before long she was standing before the oh so familiar iron gates of the huge, old mansion. She stared at the sign, tracing her fingers over the letters for a brief moment before entering through the creaky gates and standing before the large house. She stared at the tall door; a little intimidated. She wasn’t quite sure of what kind of secrets she would discover inside this house, but it was unnerving. She wanted to open the door, but then again she didn’t. She couldn’t really remember much of what the inside of this magnificent building looked like. Her hand went for the knob, but before she could touch it her brain yelled for her to stop. Her body was screaming two different things, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to open the door or not; she was quite afraid. She took a sharp deep breath and flung her hand onto the knob, opening the door; finally the inner struggle was over. She opened one eye and then the other, taking in the surroundings of the large, messy house once more; books, trash, notes and other random objects were flung all over the floor in every room of the house. Dust upon dust coated everything; you could barely even breathe, in the sunlight you could see millions of tiny dust particles flying around. Audrey could only imagine how many particles were in that closed space, but then again dust floated in the air in every home, but how much dust was here just seemed so unnatural, but how did she know? She had only been in here one time before and she had never noticed anything out of the ordinary. Well, all the books a papers strung everywhere seemed a little odd, but you know…this house was old a lot of things could’ve happened to it.

Soon she had been through most of the rooms and everything seemed so normal. There was still so many books, but that didn’t bother her, at least not until she reached the book-shelf in the study. The book shelf was tall and filled with books about many things; she reached out and touched the smooth rich wood, getting dust all over her fingertips. She shivered and wiped it against her black skirt. She looked at all the books, nothing there seemed to interest her so she turned around and starting looking through the other rooms. There were bedrooms, offices and al kinds of other rooms in the large house. When nothing, beside the book shelf sparked her memory though, she left the house to head back to her school.

She was later to her last class, and Jim caught her wandering around the empty campus.

“What’re you doing out here?” Jim asked; he sounded triumphant like he had caught her for the first and only time. Her head snapped towards him; her face was expressionless.

“I—I’m new, I got lost,” she lied. Her heart was pounding, hoping he would buy her extremely fake story.

“Oh,” Jim said, a little disappointed, “Well, what’s your next class?”

“It’s um…English, with Mrs. Bombay,” Audrey replied; her heart thumped loudly, but she managed to keep a straight face, she was good at lying…even to herself. Jim gave her an understanding smile and turned, motioning for her to follow.

He led her all the way to her English class, and made Mrs. Bombay excuse her lateness because she had been with him. Mrs. Bombay only nodded and went back to teaching the class. Shakily Audrey took a seat next to Yumi and they both remained completely silent until the bell rang.

The bell had startled Audrey so she stood quickly, and started to gather her things. Her legs ere shaky and weak; it was a miracle she could stand. Yumi watched her shake for a few moments before placing a hand on her shoulder; Audrey jumped, a little startled.

“We missed you at lunch Audrey,” Yumi said. Audrey turned and stared at her. Yumi’s face looked concerned and she felt so guilty. She had gone to see the house no one knew she remembered and for her own selfish reason. She suddenly wished she hadn’t gone because it seemed so stupid right now.

“I was…I don’t know,” she said, stumbling over her words. Yumi gave her a reassuring smile, like she understood what she was going through, but Audrey knew she didn’t, no one did…at least…not anymore they didn’t.

Yumi didn’t leave until Audrey was ready and she even helped her out the door because her legs were failing her, but soon they were outside again. Both of them smiled and walked over to see the three guys. Audrey was still feeling a little shaky, but she tried to ignore it; she didn’t even know why she felt like that anyway…there was nothing she could do.

Jeremie typed away at his computer and the other guys were silent, their expressions were unreadable. Audrey wondered what everyone was up to, but she knew she’d never find out…because they didn’t trust her and she didn’t blame them one bit; she didn’t even trust herself. She had lied way too much even she started to believe her own lies and that was not good for her. It was one of the reasons she couldn’t remember much of her past she had lied it all away; if that made any sense at all.

No one spoke for a long time and Audrey started to feel dizzy. The ground picked up and started to swirl around her, she felt like she was going to be so sick. Then her legs gave way, but someone caught her before she hit the ground. She could hear faint panicked voices and someone yelling at someone else to get her into the infirmary. She only groaned and let her eyes close to the dark and she fell unconscious.

She could hear peoplewhispering around her, she moved her hand to rub her forehead and she groaned. She felt like she had been hit by a truck; her head was pounding. She opened her eyes slowly, but her vision was so blurry it felt like she didn’t open her eyes at all. She groaned again, drawing attention to herself.

“You is awake?” A woman with a thick Russian accent asked; the voice was unfamiliar to Audrey, but it sounded somewhat gentle. She knew she was in safe hands. The woman asked her the same question again. Audrey didn’t want to answer she felt slightly embarrassed that she had actually fallen unconscious on the school grounds; she bet her outfit was covered in dirt, but sadly she couldn’t see well enough to tell up from down at that moment in time. She felt a hand on her shoulder and she jumped a little. The woman spoke to her in Russian; Audrey guessed she was saying something soothing, but she wasn’t quite sure what she was talking about.

“I don’t speak your language,” Audrey whispered. Her voice sounded a little hoarse; she cleared her throat. The woman laughed a high twinkling laugh that reminded Audrey of a young child.

“I understand,” the woman said vaguely, leaving Audrey’s side. Audrey was glad to see her go, the language she spoke (Russian) made her head hurt more then usual. She wondered where her ‘friends’ had gone. They were probably off hanging around together, having fun without her. She sighed; sometimes she just wished…that for once someone would care enough about her to stick by her side.

Девочка,” the Russian nurse said. Audrey groaned in reply, just as someone entered her little cubical. She blinked, trying to get a focus on who came in; it was a male, she knew that much.

“Who,” she said calmly. She sounded much like an owl in her opinion. The boy who stood there didn’t answer, but instead he approached her. She grunted as if to tell him she wasn’t in the mood for company right now, but he didn’t listen. Audrey pulled herself up in the bed and squinted at him.

“You really shouldn’t be sitting up…” the boy explained. Audrey smiled recognizing the voice immediately. It was Jeremie, she was overjoyed. She twirled her hair around her finger, but she still didn’t talk. She was happy someone cared enough to visit, but at the same time all she wanted was to be alone. She felt Jeremie’s hand on hers and she stared down at it. “I’m worried about you.” Audrey looked up at him and smiled.

“You’re a good friend Jeremie,” she said. Although, she wasn’t sure what she really thought of him. Her heart was tangled up in a web of lies right now…she wasn’t even sure which way she was supposed to turn, but somehow…she knew she could trust Jeremie.

Silence came over the two, but it wasn’t awkward at all, it was a comfortable silence; A silence in which you feel at ease, like when you’re laughing, but this was much better than laughter. His hand was still on hers, adding to the comfort she felt at this moment in time. Even if the small room reeked of antiseptic and it was all a dull shade of white, she wasn’t afraid anymore. Not with Jeremie there by her side.

A/N: This seems like a good place to end it, I hope I’m not rushing into things, she hasn’t realized her feelings for him yet, he’s merely being a good friend is all. I mean when I’m with my friend Will, I feel like that too…ha-ha…yeah I felt like that before I had a crush on him X.x. Will looks a lot like little Jeremie, ‘sept his hair is brown and he resembles a less attractive Daniel Radcliff. Okay, enough about Will X.x…I need to be thinking about Richard now! Yes, Richard the man I am thinking of dating…I mean DAMMIT! FAN-FICTION IS NOW X.x. Okay…before I drive you all insane with my ramblings, I’ll reply to my lovely reviewers.

BobbyNeko: and more there is

FTiger: Oh, you’re a new reviewer aren’t you? I am always hard on myself you learn to live with it and I write reviews on my own fics myself. Like this one if so poorly written. Somehow I get great joy out of putting myself down X.x.

Kodra: My favorite reviewer, yet again. I think Jeremie was a little out of place in the above chapter. I appreciate your review, yes, I know paragraphs when switching Characters I do try to do that, but then my worlds get all messed up and jumbled. I’m trying to hurry my chapters before my schools friends maul me because I’m not writing enough or paying enough attention to them X.x I hope I don’t seem rushed, and don’t apologize for having negative reviews, I really appreciate you telling me what I need to work on . Sooner or later I may review one of your fics D, hopefully. It depends on how much time I have and how tired I am. X.x I did it again! I went off on all this weird stuff. X.x Anyway thank you for your wonderful review on Chapter deux and I hope you like Chapter trois as much as you liked the last one, if not more. (Ignore the French it’s just I would’ve rhymed with the English numbers X.x)

Thank you very much all of you. blows kisses R&R!