The Audrey Files

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I don’t own Code: Lyoko, but I am missing it today because I won’t get back from shopping in time to catch it X.x. Anyway I do own Audrey DeBose and the secretary Alice and Audrey’s Mother, so no stealing.

Summary:Kind of a prequel to Sugar and Spice. Someone new shows up, but she’s pretty quiet…rumors are spread, which interests a certain someone. JxOC OxA YxU

A/N: Second chapter! I’m so sorry Sugar and Spice was so confusing to all of you, I really hope this explains Audrey better as a person okay? I feel really bad!


Audrey stared at the off-white ceiling of her extremely empty dorm and groaned she felt so out of place here. Now she couldn’t sleep at all, now she regretted not staying at home. At least she would feel safer there. Here she felt like she was so alone, not like home was any different with her mom always working the night away, but sleeping in a house was so much better than sleeping in a dorm. Lost in thought, she barely heard the soft knock on her door.

“Y-yes, WH-who is it?” She barely squeaked out. No one replied so she got up, walking across the dull gray carpet, to go and see who was there, but when she opened the door, she saw no one. So she turned around to go inside, but she suddenly went cold on the inside and fell to the floor, her body shook violent for a moment or two then it stopped. She lay there on the floor for a few minutes trying to rid herself of her dizziness. It was one of the weirdest things she had ever felt in her life. She shook her head groggily, slammed the door and crawled back beneath the ugly light blue comforter of her bed, trying to rid herself of the cold. Soon after she did so, she fell into the deep sleep.

Audrey opened her eyes the next morning to the sunlight illuminating her bedroom and to birds chirping and the chattering of students and teachers alike. She groaned, rubbing the back of her head for a moment before she realized where she was. She sat up quickly, fear and adrenaline coursed through her body. She looked at the clock, it was only 7 am. She gave a sigh of relief and got dressed in her normal attire. A white, sleeveless lace up top, that cut of at the mid-drift, mesh to go under it, a black miniskirt with black belts crisscrossing at the top, mesh hose, black boots and her normal black ribbon silver heart choker. She looked in her full length mirror, pulling her red hair back into a sloppy bun. Then she made note that her room looked a little empty, she would decorate later, spice it up a bit, she didn’t really care how much trouble she got in.

With all that done she left her dorm with the books and her homework for her next class. Smiling, she entered the courtyard, approaching Yumi and her friends who were talking to each other about something they obviously didn’t want her to know because the closer she got the quieter they became.

“Morning,” Audrey said with a beautiful smile. The group gave her an uncertain look and went completely silent. The silence continued on until Yumi attempted to start a conversation with her.

“How was your first day Audrey?” She asked, with a smile. Audrey’s head snapped towards her, and she nodded.

“It was all right, but the weirdest thing happened to me…”

“Really?” Yumi asked, “What was it?”

“Oh, well there was this knock on my door, but when no one answered, I got up and answered it, but when I got there no one was outside so I closed my door and started to walk back to my bed, but this cold feeling came over me and I fell over…” Ulrich, Odd and Yumi looked at each other and then at Jeremie who was busy typing something on his computer.

“Did you see anything?” He asked, not even looking up. His voice sounded a little rehearsed Audrey thought, but she just shrugged it off.

“Well, no, but I guess I might’ve been half asleep or I just had another—”she started, but as soon as she mentioned anything about it she cut off and gave them another smile.

“Another what?” Aelita pressed.

“Oh, nothing,” Audrey beamed. Aelita turned to Jeremie, her expression was that of worry. The group got silent again, just as Sissi came over there to start her daily harassing of the gang.

“Audrey, I see you’re still hanging out with these losers,” Sissi commented giving Audrey an accomplished smile.

“Sissi,” Audrey said beaming, “I see you still haven’t gotten my point.”

“What point?” Sissi asked a little confused.

“The point that I’d rather have friends with brains,” Audrey said, getting a few laughs.

“Hey, I have a brain!”

“Half of one maybe,” Odd commented.

“Less than half,” Audrey said seriously. Sissy growled and stormed off once more.

“You’re a natural at that,” Jeremie said, still not looking up from his computer, but she did earn a smirk. Audrey gave a smile and stared at his hand. She noticed Aelita’s hand was extremely close to his and it was moving even closer to take it. Audrey growled and a feeling of jealousy came over her. Aelita gave Jeremie’s hand a nudge; he took her hand in his, obviously unaware he was doing so. Audrey only stared, trying desperately to figure out why and how she felt this and so soon. Usually she never had crushes, either that or she got them really late and then she moved again. Then she was forced to forget about everyone and everything she ever loved and move on, making new friends, getting new crushes. She continued to stare at their hands, a perfect match she thought. She would never have a chance with the short computer nerd she felt so attracted to.

“I’m so happy for you,” Audrey said finally, beaming. Jeremie and Aelita looked at her for a brief moment before noticing she was talking about them and that they were holding hands. They both released their hands swiftly, making odd gagging sounds, as if they never liked each other in the first place. Well, either that or they were awfully good at hiding it. Still, Audrey sensed something between the two, despite how hard they tried to hide it; she knew they felt something for each other. Odd, seemed to notice them holding hands too, and he felt a little jealous too, but he didn’t know why. He thought he had gotten over Aelita because she liked Jeremie. Did that mean…he was like Aelita? No, no he couldn’t be! He wasn’t gay, he had been out with so many girls it wasn’t funny, but then again every time he went out with one, he found himself always wanting more. He didn’t know what he wanted though; maybe he did want Jeremie, or another man. In fact he remembered a few years back, when he had first met Ulrich; he had a strange attraction toward him. Maybe be was homosexual or maybe he was even bisexual, he didn’t know anymore.

“No, no,” Jeremie reassured Audrey; snapping Odd from his thoughts, “we aren’t together.” Aelita looked at him and appeared to be a little hurt, but then she smiled confirmed his statement and then group split up and walked off to their classes.

Yumi and Audrey had just left their first class and they were heading to their second, when Yumi’s cell phone rang. Both of the girls jumped, a little shocked, and then Yumi picked it up, answering the call.

“Jeremie?” She asked. Audrey heard a faint voice on the other line.

“Can it wait till lunch?” Yumi asked.

“All right, fine, I’ll be right there.” Audrey watched Yumi take off and shrugged as she continued to her next class.

She sat through that class extremely bored, without Yumi everything appeared to be boring. Finally, when the class ended she couldn’t find Yumi or any of her friends anywhere in the courtyard, so she stood alone, an easy target for dear Elizabeth. Audrey fixed her eyes on the dirt beneath her feet and ignored the voices around her.

“Hey Audrey,” Sissi called mockingly, “Where’s those losers you hang out with?”

“They left me here,” she whispered. Sissy laughed, she was obviously enjoying Audrey’s pain.

“Is that so?” Sissi asked. Audrey just nodded, her eyes still focused on the ground. She wanted Sissi to leave her alone, but Sissi was an extremely persistent person. Sissi laughed again. “You aren’t so stubborn when you’re alone, are you Audrey?” Sissy asked. Audrey sighed deeply, but didn’t answer; she wished her friends would come back. Ha, she thought, friends. She wasn’t good enough to have friends, she always moved just as she was making good ones or just as she started to fall for someone. She didn’t have a chance to grow up properly; at least most of the kids around here spent most of their lives in the same town. She on the other hand had to cope with moving around, month after month, even weeks sometimes. Now two days in she was having so many doubts about being here and friends and just everything. Suddenly, she heard sissy shriek, she came out from her thoughts and looked around, and she noticed William and a few other people walking over towards her. She blinked, a little confused, she had no idea why William and his friends would want to talk to her. Sure, she knew him because he knew Yumi, but they never talked, William was only after Yumi anyway, despite the fact Yumi was more attracted to Ulrich than she was to him. Audrey had to admit, the group she chose to hang out with was pretty messed up when it came to relationships.

“Hi, Will—”Audrey started to say, but William cut her off as he grabbed her arm and squeezed it tightly. She yelped in pain and looked up at him with the utmost loathing. William smirked down at her, dragging her off. “Stop it!” Audrey protested, “Stop it you’re hurting me!” William ignored her pleas, dragging her off in the direction of the sewer. Audrey took in her surroundings; there were trees, a lot of them and there was grass, other than that there was nothing more there. That was until she saw the gates of a beautiful old house. She noticed a title on the front of the house, it read, The Hermitage. Her blood went cold, there was something so familiar about that name, she couldn’t place it, but she knew she had heard it somewhere. She started to struggle to free herself from William’s grasp, but he held her tight, she could feel his fingers leaving bruises in her arm. She groaned and tried even harder to pull away, but it was too late, they were inside the house and he flung her onto the cold floor.

“Ouch!” She yelled, rubbing her arm, “You don’t have to be so rough you know.” William just glared at her, his eyes flashed with some sort of symbol she vaguely recognized. She tilted her head to the side for a second before turning to look around the house. The Hermitage was filthy, it was dusty and there were random objects flung all over the floor, the furniture was torn and many of the books had pages ripped from them. She also noticed the ripped pages all had red marks and scribbled notes all over them. This place looked so familiar to her, but she just couldn’t place what it looked like. Maybe it looked like one of the houses she used to live in, she’d lived in so many it was so hard to keep track of how many different houses she’d lived in, it was even hard to remember how many countries she’d lived in and that was bad considering there were only a limited number of countries in the world. She had probably been to over half of the countries in the entire world and that was saying something.

“William, why did you bring me here?” She asked a little confused. Audrey looked back at him and he appeared to be trying to form words.

“Re…mem…ber…” William said, his voice was low and sounded more like a growl.

“Remember what?” Audrey whispered, a little afraid of the answer. William tried to form words again, but someone came into the room and knocked him over.

“Audrey?” Odd asked, noticing the mark on her pale arm. It looked like she had painted it gray, that’s how bad the bruising was. “How much did you see?” He asked franticly. Audrey looked at him like he was crazy.

“Ulrich, what do yo—”Ulrich picked her up of the filthy floor and pulled her off and into the sewer.

“Ew!” She groaned, “This place is so nasty.”

“Oh stop,” Ulrich said, “you sound like Sissi.”

“Well, I’m sure any girl would be repulsed by this place.”

“Yumi and Aelita aren’t,” Ulrich said simply.

The rest of the walk there was done in silence; the smell of the sewer was making Audrey nauseous, she wanted to go back, but she didn’t want to have to deal with Sissi or William. Soon the pair came upon a wall, Audrey stared up at it.

“What is that Ulrich?” Audrey asked. Ulrich looked at her for a brief moment before leading her inside. She saw Jeremie sitting at a very large computer talking into a microphone. This was extremely awkward.

“Hey, uh…Jeremie…” Ulrich said. Jeremie whipped around quickly, facing the pair.

“What is she doing here?” Jeremie asked. Audrey got the feeling she wasn’t wanted so she turned around to leave, but Ulrich grabbed her arm.

“XANA was after her, so I figured she was important…”

“XANA is after everyone,” Jeremie said with a laugh.

“I know that Jeremie,” Ulrich protested, “but he wasn’t trying to hurt her, save the bruise on her upper arm, he was trying to talk to her.”

“Hmm…” Jeremie said turning back to the computer. Audrey sighed and started to leave, but Ulrich stopped her again, just in time to see Jeremie turn back around.

“Hey Audrey,” he said, getting her attention, “Can you keep a secret?”

A/N: Corny, I know, but I’m trying harder? Now I’ll reply to some of my reviewers from the first chapter .

Starfiregirl5671: Thank you for the lovely review

FTiger: Thanks for your very positive review. Oh come on my writing skill isn’t all that great, I mean who is to say I have any skill at all?

BobbyNeko: I didn’t really like how Odd acted either, I debated on weather to take it out of the story or not, but then it was just left in there for balance I guess. I’m not too good at this X.x Oh, of course there is going to be some OxA fluffiness in here D.

Lyoko Lover: Hehehe! Thanks so much for your positive review!

Tehrandomkitten: I totally agree about that Sissi thing, but I need her to be mean to develop Audrey as a character. I needed Sissi to provoke her darker side and prove that she has one and that she is only human you know? I don’t Like Sugar and Spice that much either, well I do like the beginning part, but the other parts are kind of eh…no, you can do better. You know?

Kodra: Ah, my dear friend. How I enjoy your reviews! So negative, so very, very negative. Oh, in the beginning when I put Ulrich there instead of Jeremie I was actually going to use Jeremie, but then I decided against it that was my bad for not changing it. Yeah the foreshadowing, I’m an amateur writer, sorry I can’t live up to your expectations, but I am trying to get better. You know what? I actually went back to rewrite this chapter and thank gosh I did cause if I didn’t…I would’ve displeased my valuable reviewers. X.x. Thanks for the review though, I really like to know what I can work on .