Yes. thiscoffeeshop is not impressed with my having Macy faint. Which is why I feel the need to update again because I’m craving some Kevin/Macy goodness. And I really feel like writing right now. Yes.

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Kevin caught her right before she hit the ground and cradled her body against his chest. He stared down at her, once he had regained his balance. He felt his heard begin to race at the sight of her cheek pressed against his shoulder. This would be more satisfying if she was awake. He stared at her peaceful face for awhile, trying to memorize every feature he could. Then her head lulled to the side, and he gasped by the sudden movement, moving one his his hands to support her neck.

“Kevin…” She whispered. He swallowed and stared at her face. Her eyes were still closed. She must’ve been sleep-talking. He wondered what she was dreaming about.

After another minute of standing there and watching her, she shifted in his arms again, her eyes fluttering open.

“K-kevin?” She asked.

“Yeah,” He said, smiling down at her before continuing, “Can you stand?” Macy blushed and swallowed.

“Y-yeah,” she squeaked. Her heart was thundering as he lowered her to the floor gingerly.

“I’m glad I caught you before you fell all the way down,” Kevin said, “This floor is pretty hard.” She stared at him, a rose tint still present on her cheeks. He found himself smiling again, wishing that he still had her cradled in his arms, staring down at her sleeping face with those long eyelashes and gorgeous pink lips.

“I’m sorry I fainted,” she said, bending over to pick up his jacket and hand it to him. He held his hand up.

“No, it’s okay,” he said, “Keep the jacket, you’re still shaking.” Macy chewed on her lower lip nervously, staring down at Kevin’s jacket. “It’s okay,” he repeated, “really.” Macy sighed, slipping the jacket on. Kevin smirked at how cute she looked with his jacket on. It was obviously too big for her, the sleeves basically swallowed her hands.

Macy buried her face in the collar of his jacket and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. His scent certainly was heavenly, but that also could’ve been because the jacket was so warm.

“It’s really warm,” she said shyly, smiling up at him, “thanks.” Kevin smiled back.

“I wasn’t going to let you freeze to death,” he responded, reaching out to touch her shoulder.

Breathe, Macy,she reminded herself as she took a deep, shuddering breath.

“I don’t know if I’d actually y’know, freeze to death,” she responded.

“Still,” he said, flashing her a smile, “Don’t want to take that chance.”

Don’t faint, Macy,she thought to herself, The guy that you’ve got a major crush on is just touching your shoulder and smiling at you. It’s no big deal.

“Yeah…” she said, blushing again, her heart thundering wildly in her chest.

“Do you want me to take you home?” Kevin asked, dropping his hand from her shoulder. Macy laughed nervously.

“N-no,” she said, “That’s okay, Kev, I’ll just walk home, it’s not that far…and I don’t want to burden y-” He held up a hand again to silence her.

“No, it’s no burden,” he said, “I wantto.” Macy laughed nervously again. Kevin, the guy she was falling really hard for was about to give her a ride home from school.

“Okay,” she said, “I’d love for you to take me home.” Kevin smiled widely.

“Great,” he said, grabbing her hand, “Come on, I’ll show you where my car is.” Macy swallowed hard, hoping she didn’t faint before they got to the car.

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Uggggghh. I feel like everything is really OOC. This is a filler though =). And I’m half asleep right now, I just wanted to make sure I updated it. I wanted to try and update Secret Admirer again too, but I’m about to keel over. So. thiscoffeeshop, I hope you know I love you this much.