Irrevocablyamanduh, this is for you.

Just Like Kevin

Chapter Five

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Macy didn’t expect him to call, but that didn’t stop her from sitting next to her phone for two hours while she tried to concentrate on her homework. Every now and then she caught herself staring down at it’s tiny screen, waiting for an unknown number to pop up. This was seriously cutting into her homework time.

She had just gotten up to make a snack, convinced that if she didn’t take a break now she was going to be up all night trying to finish her English homework, when her phone went off. She tripped on her on two feet in her haste to make it to the table and fell to her knees on the hard floor.

Graceful as always, Macy,She thought, scrambling back to her feet and grabbing her phone to check the caller ID. It was Stella. She felt her heart sink a little, but answered it nonetheless.

“Hey Stella,” she said into the receiver, sounding sort of, well, crushed.

“Macy?” Someone that wasn’tStella asked from other end. In fact, it was a guy. Which struck Macy as a little strange.

“You’re not Stella…” Macy said, noting that the voice sounded familiar.

“I’m glad you could tell,” the voice said, amusement in his tone. Macy wondered what boy would be calling her from Ste-

“Kevin?” She asked, feeling the familiar wave of butterflies rise up in her chest and stomach.

“Hey, Macy,” He responded. Her heart was racing now. He called.

“You called,” She said, “I…I…” She had wanted to say that she didn’t expect him to call, but that didn’t seem like the right thing to say at that point. In fact, it seemed a little insulting.

“Yeah,” Kevin responded, “I said I’d call, remember?” Macy nodded before she realized he couldn’t see it through the phone.

“I remember,” she told him, pulling on the bottom of her shirt nervously.

“Sorry it took me so long,” he said, “Stella wouldn’t give me your number. So I had to hijack her phone-with a little help from Joe-and use it to call you. Let’s just say…Stella wasn’t happy.” Macy laughed. The image of her best friend having her phone wrestled from her hands was so amusing. Especially since Stella’s phone was like her life.

“How’d you get it from her?” Macy asked.

“Weeellll,” Kevin said, “Let’s just say that Joe found a way to keep her busy.” Macy bit her lip, wondering how Joe could possibly be keeping Stella busy. Her mind wandered to the fashion emergency thing that Stella had ranted about and she couldn’t help but smile. Would he really pull something like that again? She guessed he would. Joe was funny like that.

“Another fashion emergency?” She asked.

“Not exactly…” Kevin said.

“Then what?” She asked. She was dying to know at this point.

“Sooo,” Kevin said, ignoring her question and trying to change the subject, “How-” she cut him off.

“Kevin Lucas,” she growled, “what is your brother doing to my best friend?”

“Nothing bad,” Kevin blurted, “but…it’s the kind of thing you have to see for yourself.” Macy growled in frustration. He was being so cryptic that it was driving her mad.

“Fine,” she said, “Send me a picture.”

“I don’t think they would appreciate that.”

“Come on, Kevin,” She begged, “I wanna know! I hate not being in the loop!”

“Tomorrow,” he said, “you can see for yourself tomorrow.” Macy didn’t want to wait that long.

“Kevin,” she said, “why can’t you just tell me now?”

“You only have to wait until I pick you up tomorrow,” he told her. Macy blushed. She had almost forgotten about that.

“Oh,” was all she managed to say.

“I think you’ll be just as happy as Nick and I are about this.” Macy gasped, the whole thing finally clicking.

“Are you talking about what I thinkyou’re talking about?”

“Maybe,” Kevin said, drawing out the “a”.

“I can’t wait to see you tomorrow,” she said, excited about what she might find out about Joe and Stella. But as she thought over her words, she immediately regretted saying it. He was going to know now. She probably just made it totally obvious. She opened her mouth to backtrack, but he spoke first-

“I can’t wait to see you either,” Kevin said. His voice was soft, somewhat adoring. Macy’s heart raced, her cheeks flushing a brilliant shade of red.

“Kevin?” She asked.

“Yeah?” He said. Macy bit her lip, debating on asking him the thing she had been dying to know for the past week.

“Do you…I mean…y’know…” She tried, kicking herself when the question didn’t come out right.

“Hold that thought,” Kevin said. Macy swallowed, trying to think of a way she could ask Kevin how he felt about her. Just as she had finally come up with the perfect way-

“I gotta go now, Macy, Stella wants her phone back” Kevin said, “I’ll see you in the morning.” Drat.

“Oh,” Macy said, “Okay. Bye.” Macy hung up her phone and tossed it back on the table, plopping down into her chair.

“Stupid Stella,” she muttered, running her fingers through he hair and staring at the ceiling. Tomorrow was going to be a long, and possibly very awkward day.

. . . . . . . . .

Joella kick, apparently. I fail.