MyJonasSensesAreTingling3, thiscoffeeshop, Irrevocablyamanduh, and the rest of the DACE girls, this one is for you :).

Just Like Kevin

Chapter Eight

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“Where have you been?” Both Stella and Joe asked in unison upon seeing Kevin and Macy blow past them in the hallway, holding Starbucks drinks and laughing.

“Hey!” Stella called when they kept walking, “Kevin! Macy! Talking to you here!” They stopped and turned around, Macy erupting into another fit of giggles. Stella and Joe exchanged a worried glance.

“Oh,” Macy said between giggles, clutching her stomach with her free hand, “Hey Stella, Joe, I didn’t see you there.” Joe glanced at Stella, mouthing “didn’t see you there”? Stella shrugged.

“Anyways,” Stella said, “It’s like, almost the end of the school day. Where have you two been this whole time?” Macy took a deep breath, calming herself down and looking over at Kevin.

“Starbucks,” he responded simply, holding up his drink. Joe and Stella looked at each other again.

“You skipped school to go to Starbucks?” Joe asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No,” Kevin said, receiving a questioning glance from both Stella and Joe. He continued, “I skipped school to go to Starbucks with Macy.”

“Dude,” Joe said, “That doesn’t even make sense. I think you’re had too much caffeine.” Macy and Kevin looked at each other, erupting into a fit of laughter once more. By this time, Joe and Stella were, understandably, freaked out.

“Wait a second,” Macy said, turning to Joe and Stella, “what happened between you two last night? Kevin promised he’d tell me, but he never did.” She shot a glare towards Kevin over her shoulder. Kevin held up kids hands in defeat, flashing her an apologetic smile.

“Well, Macy,” Stella said, lacing her fingers with Joe’s, “if you and Kevin had bothered to come to school this morning you would’ve known what happened sooner.” Macy pouted.

“I had a better time at Starbucks then I would’ve at school,” she said a bit defensively. Stella raised an eyebrow.

“Just what did you two do at Starbucks?” Kevin brought his hand to his mouth, coughing to hide another laughing fit. Macy bit her lip, her face flushing slightly and her body shaking with laughter. Okay, this was seriously the last time Stella would ever let those two go to Starbucks.

“I’m happy for you and Joe,” Macy said, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet and beaming at her best friend.

“Believe me,” Nick said, stopping next to his brother’s, “we’re allhappy. There’s finally peace and quiet around the house. Now that they make out more than they argue” Joe shot Nick a glare and Nick flashed his older brother a smirk.

“Where have you two been all day anyhow?” Nick asked, turning towards his oldest brother and Macy.

“Starbucks,” Macy said, smiling and holding up her Starbucks drink. Nick eyed the two of them suspiciously before deciding he’d let it go. Especially since the warning bell had just sounded through the hallway.

“Well,” Kevin said, “last class of the day.” He looked down at Macy and Macy glanced back at him. Neither of them felt like going to their last class. They had already almost skipped the whole day. What would another class hurt?

“Yup,” Macy responded, smirking down at her shoes. Nick caught her smirk and shook his head, turning around and walking towards his last class. The one that he just-so-happened to have with Macy. It would be interesting when she didn’t show up. Especially since he would know where she was and who as was with.

“See you guys later,” Joe said, taking Stella and leading her down the hallway.

Once they were both alone, Kevin and Macy smiled at each other.

“There’s really no use in only going to oneclass,” Macy said, “I mean that might be the caffeine talking…but…” Kevin smiled at her.

“No, I agree,” he said, “What’s one more class. We’re going to be marked absent for today anyways.”

“True,” Macy continued, taking another sip of her coffee, “Back to the car?”

“After you,” Kevin responded.


Macy groaned, leaning back in the seat of Kevin’s car.

“Who knew caffeine would make you crash so hard?” Macy asked, turning her head to look at him. Kevin sighed.

“I knew,” he said, “but I still drink it.” Macy groaned again. Kevin watched her as she leaned her head back against the back of her seat. He found himself admiring her profile. She really was beautiful.

“Why didn’t you warn me?” She asked, moving closer to him and burying her head in his shoulder. She groaned again, inhaling deeply. Kevin stiffened. It was a strange feeling, having Macy’s face pressed against his shoulder. Her hair brushed against his neck and he felt his heart race. “I was right,” she whispered to herself, smiling softly and keeping her face buried into his shoulder. Kevin really did smell like heaven. His scent overwhelmed her nostrils, filling her body with a sense of euphoria.

“Right about what?” Kevin asked, resting his chin against her head and breathing in the scent of her hair. He wondered if she knew how heavenly she smelled. He took another deep breath, feeling goosebumps on his skin. Macy bit her tongue, she couldn’t believe he had heard that! She pulled back from him slowly and somewhat reluctantly.

“It’s nothing,” Macy said, blushing crimson, “it’s stupid.”

“Nothing you say could ever be stupid,” Kevin responded, smiling at her. He wanted to reach out and cup her face, bring her head back to rest against his shoulder, but he was afraid she would react to that negatively.

“Trust me,” Macy responded, “this is.”

“We’re friends, right, Mace?” Kevin asked, “You can tell me anything, no matter how stupid you think it might be.” Macy felt her heart break again. There was that word again.Friends.

“I can’t tell this kind of thing to someone that I’m friends with,” she said, hoping her might get the hint, but at the same time she was hoping that he didn’t get the hint. She thought back to when she had told Stella the same thing in the hallway. She had looked pretty freaked out. She knew he’d probably react the same way.

“What do you mean?” He asked. He hoped she meant what he wanted her to mean. He wanted Macy to feel the same way about him that he felt about her.

“Kevin…” She said, trailing off, “about the question I wanted to ask earlier…”

“Yeah?” He asked, fighting a smile.

“How…How do you feel about me, Kev?” Macy asked, biting her lip and staring down at her lap. She couldn’t believe she had just asked him that. But she had been dying to know.

“You’re my friend, Mace,” he responded, trying to get her to press father. He had to be sure she really wanted this. He had to be sure she was asking because she liked him too. She felt her heart ache again, her mouth going dry.

“Am I just a friend, though, Kevin?” She asked, growing nervous with anticipation. Kevin considered this for a long moment, watching as she fiddled with her jacket sleeves.

“Were you ever just a friend Macy?” He asked. Macy’s forehead crinkled in confusion and she looked up at him.

“What do you mean?” It was her turn to ask. Kevin smiled at her softly.

“I mean,” he said, “that I’ve always liked you. And not just as a friend. As a potential girlfriend.” Macy stared at him in shock. It was the answer she had been hoping for, but somehow…hearing out of the mouth of the guy she had fallen so hard for made it so unreal; so shocking.

“What?” She asked, still a little dazed by his confession. He leaned forward a bit, eyes locking with hers.

“I said I like you, Macy,” he repeated, “and I hope you like me too…because if you don’t this whole situation is going to be totally awkward…I mean I-” she cut him off, pressing her lips against his. At first, he was shocked by how forward she was being, but before she would even notice that he was in shock, he smiled against her lips, pulled her closer to him and returned her kiss.

“That answer your question?” She asked when she pulled away. He smiled down at her.

“If there was ever a doubt in my mind,” he responded, placing a short kiss against her lips, “it’s all gone now.” Macy smiled at him, taking another deep breath. When she had told Stella her suspicion about Kevin smelling like heaven, she hadn’t been sure if she even believed it herself, but as she moved closer to him for another kiss she knew it was true. His scent overwhelmed her lungs, her brain, her very soul. Now there was no doubt, Kevin really did smell like heaven. She was glad she had a chance to find out.

END &&

SORRY FOR THE SUCKY ENDING D:. IT JUST SEEMED LIKE A GOOD PLACE TO STOP. Especially since I’ve got three other projects to work on. If you liked this, please read Even Better, That Thing You Do and Unfaithful! Those are what I’ll be updating.